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Looking for a good resource to learn watercolor for beginners? Check out my new book—30 step-by-step projects to paint easy watercolor landscapes like this one! Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes is available everywhere books are sold. Looking for a good resource to learn watercolor for beginners? Check out my new book—30 step-by-step projects to paint easy watercolor landscapes like this one! Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes is available everywhere books are sold.

Looking for a good resource to learn watercolor for beginners? Check out my new book—30 step-by-step projects to paint easy watercolor landscapes like this one! Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes is available everywhere books are sold.

Looking for a good resource to learn watercolor for beginners? Check out my new book—30 step-by-step projects to paint easy watercolor landscapes like this one! Wilderness Watercolor Landscapes is available everywhere books are sold.

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